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Subjective is to express the speaker&rsquo









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發表於 2016-10-11 20:29:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
If I were to see him,台北當舖, I might give him 500RMB as a reward;
Translate the following sentences into English,中醫減重.

推薦:[答辯高分技巧] [試講亮點] [說課] [結搆化技巧] [面試技巧]&nbsp,台北汽車借款;
5.If he ___(not eat) so much watermelon, he ___(not suffer) stomachache.
Teaching Methods: Communicative teaching approach; Situational teaching method
If I had his voice, I would sing from morning till night;

Step 5 Summary and homework
Teaching Key Points: Students can sue the subjective mood correctly.

The structures are like below:

Situation3: After the concert, I took a taxi home. Unluckily, I found I had left my wallet and keys in the taxi, I was very worried. But very soon, the taxi driver returned my bag to me, and he left hurriedly before I could thank him. I wish…


Knowledge aim: Students can know the basic rules of subjective mood, and build up a network of the grammar.
Set 3 situations to show some sentences and lead students to do a summary.

Blackboard Design:
If I were Justin Bibber, I would hold a concert for you.

Step 1 Warming-up: Sing the song “If You Are Happy &rdquo,借款;

Teaching Procedures:

Situation1:I am a fan of Justin Bibber. I am going to the concert held by Justin. Now I image…
Step 4 Production

Teaching Difficult Points: Help students to understand and learn how to use the subjective mood in their real life.

Ability aim: Students can use the subjective mood correctly and flexibly in different situations.
Situation2: A week ago,花蓮按摩推薦, Justin Bibber held a concert in Hong Kong, I didn’t buy a ticket in advance, so I had to wait for hours to buy it. It suddenly rained heavily. Unluckily, I didn’t take my umbrella. At that time, I was thinking…

Ask a student to do a summary about what we have learnt today. And ask students to write a passage about their unforgettable experiences and their wishes about future, using the subjective mood.

如果他的爸爸還在世, 他一定會好好聽話;
If I sang as well as him, I would sing a song for you now;

2. If I ___(have) a lot of money, I ___(travel) around the world.

Concept: Subjective is to express the speaker’s wishes or hypothesis, not facts.

If I had taken an umbrella with me, I wouldn’t have been wet all over.

4.If there were no living thing in the world, the world ___(come) to the end.

If I saw the taxi driver one day, I would thank him face to face;


Teaching Aids: Multi-media

If I should see someone in help, I would give him a hand without a second thought.



Teaching Aims:
3. If there ___(be) no water and air,樹林通馬桶, there ___(be) no living things in the world.
Step 3 Practice:
1. If I ___(be) a tree, I ____(provide) shelter for my family.

Emotional aims: Students can develop a sense of cooperation and be ready to overcome difficulties in study.
Step 2 Presentation:

6. If he hadn’t been sent to hospital in time, he ___(die).

If I had bought a ticket in advance, I wouldn’t have waited so long;

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